About Us
Hello! We’re Ty and Sara Burk, founders of Westfold Farm, LLC. In 2015, we started raising a small backyard flock of Dorking chickens. Little did we know that this hobby would soon grow into a business! Through the interest of local chefs and support from our community, we began working to bring standard bred, heritage poultry back to the market. These are the birds our grandparents ate: slow growing, raised in nature, impeccable variety and flavor. Because standard bred poultry have not been closely tended to over the last several decades due to the emergence of commercial chickens, their lines have fallen into disrepair. We are working diligently to bring these birds back to market.
Currently, we are raising “Mamma’s Backyard Bird” and “The Sunday Chicken” for our consumers. These slower growing chickens (8-10 week grow out) are raised on pasture and supplemented with Organic, non-GMO, Certified Humane feed from a local mill. As Maryn McKenna says, “A chicken worth eating tastes like a chicken that had a life worth living.” We are passionate about sustainable and regenerative agriculture, caring for our livestock and the soil beneath their feet.
Thank you to all of our friends near and far who have supported us along the way. We also want to give a special thanks to Larry and Charlene, Ty’s parents, who joined us in 2017 to help manage day to day operations on the farm. We wouldn’t be where we are today without them! Thank you for stopping by. We look forward to providing central Texas with our poultry for the years to come.